Full, perfectly shaped eyebrows are the most significant beauty trend bound to stick around for a long time. Microblading is a popular semi-permanent eyebrow treatment that will make your eyebrows look trendy and natural. It is done manually, and each hair is “drawn” separately. Microblading eyebrows are fashionable and give excellent results, but only if done correctly. Microblading is a two-step process: the initial procedure and the microblading touch-up. For eyebrows with the perfect shape, thickness and colour, it is essential to complete both steps. It also means that the first procedure is laying the foundation (like a house), and the second procedure is the perfecting procedure. Your microblading touch-up appointment is what will keep your eyebrows looking their best. If you choose not to have your touch-up procedure, be aware that it might affect the longevity of the pigment applied in only one session and could fade quite quickly and often unevenly.
The first part of the microblading process is the initial procedure. It includes consultations with the microblading artist, where you choose the shape and style of your brows. The next step is deciding on a suitable pigment, followed by the procedure. The treatment lasts 2-3 hours, and the artist carefully etches each hair into the previously numbed area. It is usually not painful, just a little bit uncomfortable. You might not like your eyebrows immediately after the first procedure. It takes some time for the swelling to disappear. That is why you need to go through the healing period. After the initial microblading treatment and microblading healing period, you have to have a microblading touch-up session. The first touch-up is obligatory in most cases. Quality results take time and dedication.
Why do you need a microblading touch-up?
Microblading takes around two weeks to heal. During that period, your eyebrows will go through many changes. At first, they will be too dark, and then they will start scabbing, and finally, they will lose some of the colours, and you might think your microblading was unsuccessful. The colour comes back at the end of the healing period, but sometimes it can be uneven and patchy, as some of the pigment could come off with the scabs. Everybody’s skin heals differently, and some clients might notice gaps and irregularities after the brows are healed. Not to worry, this is all normal! The touch-up includes going over the hair-like strokes that didn’t retain pigment properly to correct any irregularities and redefine your eyebrows. During the touch-up, the eyebrow specialist will refine your brows, refresh the colour tones and correct any irregularities in the hair strokes. When you complete the treatment with a microblading touch-up, your brows will prolong their perfect look. Its purpose is to fix what got messed up during the healing period. This is why the touch-up session is called the “perfecting session”.
How long does the microblading touch-up process last?
Microblading touch-ups usually last half the time of the first treatment or about an hour. The touch-up won’t last as long as the initial treatment because only certain areas need to be fixed. This second session takes place after about six weeks and lasts for about 1,5 – 2 hours. The exact timing will vary from person to person depending on your skin type, the ink colour, the area that needs to be retouched, and whether only strokes need to be refilled or some shading needs to be added, too. It is essential to wait at least four weeks after the first session because that’s how long it takes for the scar tissue to heal and for the colour to set in. Only when the skin is fully healed the eyebrow specialist can see whether all the areas are filled with pigment and whether extra strokes are needed. The healing period after the microblading 6-week touch-up is much shorter than after the initial process since the treatment isn’t as intense and there is less trauma to the skin. It usually takes 5-7 days and is less complicated than the initial one.

Your microblading touch-up appointment is what will keep your eyebrows looking their best. It’s your chance to fine-tune your brows, so you don’t have to re-do the entire process. However, some people skip it, which is a big mistake.
So, what happens if you skip your microblading touch-up appointment?
When you forget your microblading touch-up, the shape and colour of your eyebrows could change over time because the ink has faded from its original place on your skin. In some cases, hair strands may grow back in unwanted areas where pigment has been lost or begins peeling. Hence, if you want your eyebrows to look the same as when you first got them done, you’ll need an appointment for a touch-up. It’s crucial because it will eliminate thin lines and help create crisp edges if required. It will also guarantee that any hair growing in unwanted areas will be removed, and the shape and colour of your eyebrows will stay consistent.
Moreover, skipping your microblading touch-up appointment will affect the long-term result of your whole treatment. While tattooed eyebrows are expected to last up to three years, it will only take about one year for your semi-permanent eyebrows to start showing signs of fading. During the first six months after getting treated with microblading, your brows will look amazing. But as time passes, they’ll gradually fade until you have to return to square one and get them retouched. You need a touch-up appointment one month after your first procedure.
Without your microblading touch-up appointment, you may find that the pigment disappears quickly and unevenly. The colour may also change, making your eyebrows look less aesthetically appealing after your first treatment. The pigment may fade into a yellow or brown shade instead of red-brown or natural blonde shades. When the colour fades after the first year has passed (or longer) and you’ve missed touching up with your technician, it may look like there’s nothing on them. It is because melanin production occurs in areas where hair growth doesn’t exist. Besides, the hair strokes may blur over time, and the pigment may fade, making your eyebrows look unnatural and drawn on. You may also experience patchiness in your eyebrows without a touch-up, which is not a good look.
To sum up, if you want to maintain your gorgeous, tattooed eyebrows for years, skipping your microblading touch-up appointment shouldn’t be an option. Aside from improving the look of your eyebrows and fixing any mistakes, this is the chance for you to ask your technician any questions or concerns about the process or your eyebrows in general. The first touch-up is a must, and you shouldn’t skip it. Otherwise, the whole treatment can be ruined, and you have wasted your money. Other touch-ups are optional but recommended if you want your microblading to pay off and for the results to stay crisp.
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